Club Competition – 20/2/21 400y
What a beautiful day for shooting on Saturday, wind conditions were almost perfect (well for North Arm they were 🙂 ), though it was a little hot. The result was some great shooting for the day.
Top result for the day came from the hotly contested Div 4 (FO) with 1 point separating the top 3 shooters. Dave B shot a perfect score with a 60.7 in the first stage and a 66.8 in the second to be the only possible on the range for the day. Second place was Peter C with a 125.10, with a nice 66.6 in the second stage and third Andrew B who started with a 60.3 in the first stage and finished with a 125.5 for the day.
Div 3 (FStd) also saw some great results with Des V shooting a 60.6 in the first stage and a nice 65.06 in the second to take the top place. Second place was separated only by centres with Corrie H toping Peter B with a 124.11 and 124.9 respectively. Corrie, I think that new rifle is a goer.
Div 5 (FTR) saw a fantastic shoot by Carol R with a 66.3 in the second stage to give her a 123.7 for the day from Brian L on 122.7 on count back from Rob G on 122.7 (Brian 65.4 and Rob 65.3 in the second stage). Carol I think you might have that ammo working nicely in that new rifle.
Div 1 (TRA) was convincingly won by Colin C with a 104.8 over Karen C with a 102.7 and Scott R taking out 3rd on count back from Michelle F with a 101.7.
David R Div 2 (TRBC) is still getting used to his new rifle, and shot a nice 99.4 for the afternoon, over Tracey T who shot a PB of 80.03 for the day, with a nice 50.3 in the second stage.
We had one shooter in Sporter/Hunter class this week, with Glenn L shooting a 103.1.
Though the shoot of the day goes to Jim C, who decided to shoot off all of his Left overs, so he can reload and sort out all his ammo after a little break. The Result a nice 66.10, who needs to load develop when you get that sort of result. HaHa. Though he couldn’t help himself, he had to ring one of our members that is in hospital on the guise of letting him have his shooting fix for the week, and just had to brag. NICE SHOOT JIM.