Club Shoot 28/8/21 - 700 yards
What a wonderful day at North Arm, conditions were intersting to say the least!!! The wind couldn’t decide which way it wanted to settle, and chose both right hand strength at times, to about 1 1/2 minutes of wind (For a TR shooter) and then left wind up to 3 minutes, then hanging down the poles. Mirage took the lead if you were watching carefully, which the writer of this article, did not…………. just love seeing those birds come up on the screen. 🙂
Numbers were down a bit on normal but still a reasonable roll up of 20 shooters for 700 yards. The range is looking immaculate, thanks to our range maintenance volunteers who magically appear and prepare the range for the rest of us to turn up on a Saturday to shoot.
So to the results which were pretty for some of us.
Div 1(TRA) saw David H have a great result considering conditions with a 100.5 for the day. Div 2 (TRBC) only shooter for the day was David R who finished with a 51.1 for a total of 95.4 for the afternoon.
Div 3 (FStd) was once again taken out by Corrie H who put the rest of us to shame, by only droping 3 points for the afternoon, one on each stage, for a fantastic 123.10, followed by Peter B who saw some return to form with a 117.5 for the afternoon.
Div 4 (FO) had 3 shooters for the afternoon, with Peter C having to finish strong in the second stage after a unusally low scoring first stage, he just missed the top spot by 1 point with a 117.6 and Denis McN taking the afternoon out with a 118.7.
Div 5 (FTR) saw both Brian L and Sarah C have good first stages with Brian on 57.2 and Sarah starting with a 56.1. The second stage certainly took its toll on both of them, with and only 2 of the FTR shooters reaching over 60 in stage two. The final result for the day was Brian L with 114.3 second to Rob G with 111.4 ( a nice 61.2 in the second stage) and Mark C taking out third with a 60 in the second stage to finish on 111.3.