Club Competition – 29/2/20 500y
The rain that has been around all week, showered the range in the late morning but held off for the rest of the afternoon.
North Arm Range was it usual tricky self, with wind catching some shooters off guard during the afternoon. It was predominantly from the right, but at times swung around to come in from the left.
We had 24 shooters for the afternoon, with one new shooter joining the club and shooting for the first time in competition.
No-one scored a possible for the day, but there were some great string results. Colin Cole with a 55.9 after starting with a 49.2 was determined to beat Karen Cole, who started the day off with a 50.5. In F Open Andrew Burns started with a 60.2, but was unable to keep up the pace in the second string , 64.5 saw him piped at the post by Dave Boreham’s consistency of only dropping one point each range. There was a nice finish for the afternoon by Dennis McNamara with 66.7.
Winners for the afternoon:
- Division 1 (TRA) – Colin Cole 104.11
- Division 2 (TRB) – David Richardson 99.6
- Division 3 (FStd) – Tim Pilcher 122.3
- Division 4 (FO) – Dave Boreham 124.9
- Division 5 (FTR) – Greg Hansen 118.5