Gatton / Glenore Grove Prize Meeting results 2020
We have 5 shooters attending the Gatton / Glenore Grove Prize meeting today which has about 60 competitors for the day.
Looks like Peter Birch and Dave Keenan have started 500 yards with good hits 59.5 and a 60.6 respectively. Des Voght is trying his hand at F Std for the day and Corey Hoosen is shooting FStd B. Scott Robson is in 3rd in TRB after the first range.
600 yard results saw Dave Keenan in second place with a 59.6 and Scott in third in TRB with a 47.4.
The second 600 had some good hits, with possible wins in each of the grades. Peter had a nice hit of 59.4, but this only gave him 4th on the range, and Scott’s 48.5 saw him in 4th place for the range.
Overall everyone did well, with Scott Robson in second in TRB, with a 144.11, Peter Birch in 3rd with a 173.11 and Dave Keenan in 3rd with a 177.14.
Below is a link to the Glenore Grove / Gatton Prize Meeting results.